• What is an anonymous voluntary smartphone pact?

  • An agreement between parents to delay giving their children smartphones until a certain age or class, while keeping participation anonymous to avoid any pressure or judgment.

    Why keep the pact anonymous?

    • Anonymity helps ensure no child or family feels singled out or pressured. Parents can make decisions without comparing their choices to others in the school or area.

  • What age or class do parents usually agree on for delaying smartphones?

    • This can vary, but often parents agree to wait until children are in Secondary School, around ages 12-13.

  • What counts as a smartphone?

    • A smartphone typically refers to a device with internet access, social media apps, games, and messaging capabilities.

  • Can kids still use other types of technology, like tablets or laptops?

    • We recommend using parental controls such as those shown on webwise.ie to protect your child while accessing the internet on devices such as tablets or laptops.

  • What if a child needs a phone for safety reasons?

    • Many schools within the South Kildare Smartphone Alliance have complete bans on any mobile phone devices being brought onto school property. Please refer to your school’s policy on non ‘smart’ phone devices.

  • What happens if we change our minds and give our child a smartphone earlier?

    • Since the pact is voluntary, there's no penalty. Families can opt out at any time, though the idea is to support each other in sticking to the pact.

  • How do I talk to my child about the pact if they ask why they don't have a smartphone like their friends?

    • You can explain that it’s a family decision made to prioritize their well-being, focusing on real-life activities, learning, and staying safe from online risks.

  • Do I have to tell other parents if my family joins or leaves the pact?

    • No. Since it's anonymous, families aren't required to announce their participation or departure. This keeps the focus on the pact itself rather than individual choices.

  • Are there exceptions for kids who need smartphones for medical or special needs?

    • The Alliance’s Smartphone pact will not impact any child who needs assistive technologies in school or at home.

  • How long does the pact last?

    • The Smartphone survey will be sent out at the start of every academic year. Parents can choose to participate in the pact every year.

  • What if some kids get smartphones while others don’t? Will this cause problems?

    • Anonymity helps avoid this issue, as children won’t necessarily know who is part of the pact. Parents can also support each other in navigating peer pressure or related challenges.

  • Can this pact help prevent online bullying or social media pressures?

    • Yes, delaying smartphone use can reduce early exposure to social media, explicit adult content, online bullying, and unhealthy comparisons, helping kids focus on healthier, real-life connections.