What is a Voluntary Smartphone Pact?

A voluntary smartphone pact for primary school-aged children is an agreement that families or a group of parents make to delay giving their kids smartphones until a certain age.

Here's how it works:

  • Parents agree together that they won’t buy smartphones for their children until they reach a specific class or age, like secondary school.

  • The pact is voluntary, meaning families choose to join if they want to. It's a way of supporting each other so no child feels left out or pressured to have a smartphone too early.

The goal is to encourage kids to enjoy being children, stay focused on things like playing, learning, and socializing face-to-face, without the distractions and pressures that can come with having a smartphone.

It's like saying, "Let's wait a bit before we dive into the world of smartphones and social media!"

We are delighted to announce our launch night with guest speakers and an FAQ for parents will be held in the CY Hall, Kildare Town on the 18th of September 2024 at 7:30pm.

Why choose to delay smartphone use in children? Here are some helpful videos and information from the experts and other schools who are choosing to limit smartphone use…